Monday, 26 August 2013 21:06

Microsoft Office typing delay

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How to fix typing delay issue in documents in Microsoft Office 365

I have come across a problem with Windows 8 and Office 365, where typing anything in either word or excel was very inconvenient especially for those who spend huge amount of time typing their documents and they type fast. The delay I saw was in between 1 - 5 second,

but have noticed some people complaining with numbers close to 30 seconds of delay while typing.

First, I thought, that there is something wrong with new office 365, in fact there must be something going on there as older office suites like office 2010 or below don't have such a problem, but in the end it turned out to be a different story. I have also came across information where people would fix the issue by disabling add-ins in those particular programs as Word or Excel, unfortunately not all of them managed to fix this issue and personally I did not have any add-ins enabled either. 

I should notice that I have done this fix or adjustment on windows that was running on Apple Macbook Pro via Parallels Desktop software that enables running Microsoft operating system or other OS within Mac OS but this also applies to Windows PC where Windows is main operating system on your computer without intervention of any other operating system but with slightly different approach.


Windows running via Parallels on Mac OS.

1. First you must shutdown your virtual machine - just shut down the windows as you would normally do on a PC

2. Right click on your Virtual machine and click on Configure

configure virtual machine

3. Here you can see some config details where you follow right on top last tab (hardware) and go to video.

virtual machine hardware acceleration setup

4. Now deselect the tick in the box for "Enable 3D acceleration"

5. Close the window, start your WIndows OS and you should see some difference when you type your documents.


For Windows OS running on the PC you need to use your graphic card software to adjust 3D acceleration, here is how:

For NVIDIA graphic cards:


1. Right click on desktop, select NVIDIA control panel

2. In control panel on the left select Adjust image settings with preview and on the right select "Use my preference emphasising:

NVIDIA control panel

Here you can adjust your graphic card for best performance or for quality. In your case you need to choose Performance as you don't really need a quality of 3D while you type Excel sheet or Word document.

NVIDIA 3D acceleration settings


For ATI graphic cards:

1. Same thing as for NVIDIA, right click on desktop, choose Catalyst control center

2. Adjust slider to the left for Performance and that's it.

ATI Catalyst control center

And this is all it should be done, now you can try your typing.

I hope that many of you looking for answer how to get rid of the delay while typing your Office 365 documents, have found it just here and don't have to go any further.

Read 9163 times Last modified on Tuesday, 24 September 2013 12:19
Marian Matus

The IT guy, that always wants to help. Experienced in IT for over 25 years. Have seen everything and nothing. Will gladly help over the phone, even give you tips and tricks.