Tuesday, 27 August 2013 11:14

Computer buying Guide

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Which computer is best for me

Future computerOver the years, I have met so many people having the same issue over and over; what computer they should choose for their business or home use or even for their kids as a gaming computer ? Because there is no direct answer to this, I have always suggested few options and things to look for, which will give some of them, pretty close answer.


In this article, I'll show you the important decision making points and those less important. As I have always suggested before, the quality matters, but it's also very individual, so you may end up with some pretty cheap setup that will last for years. Main factor when choosing your next, or even first, computer, is what you going to use it for and how often. Also good idea is to think about future and where are you planning to be in that future - computer/technology wise.


Let me put it this way. If you have a business, no matter what kind, you will always rely on technology, thus computer is important part of your every day life, so you better not buy anything cheap that's not going to last, as having troubles with your computer is the last thing you want while running your business. Of course, depends what you do with your computer on daily basis, you have to choose the right piece of hardware. If you use your computer for emails and internet only you need to buy something decent but not overloaded with resources such as too much memory, large hard drive space, high quality screen with very high resolution and let's say the most powerful power supply. You don't need any of that but you need to look for quality that will last you let's say 5 years for your specific needs. 5 years is maybe lot to ask in this fast growing trend of technologies but look at it from the bright side; you only need it to do specific tasks and, unless something physically break in the machine, you could have that computer for years and years.


Here comes very important point that I have learned while offering technology to my clients in the past. They always say they just need computer for two or three things and that's it but when they actually buy the machine, I have suggested, after few months they start complaining that their computer is not capable of doing other things. It's either too slow or does not have specific hardware that is able to do some tasks. This is why I always give you more powerful option in hardware than you ask for, because of the same reasons. You may pay a little more now but will be happier in the near future. Other side to this, is that people don't know what they want to expect from a new computer, because they most probably haven't seen it yet or they haven't used one before (very rarely). So I'm always giving ideas of what actually can be done with specific computer hardware and that will always open your mind bit further. It's like opening time tunnel to the future and show you what you will be doing then.

Futuristic computer system 

Over the years I was always inclined to PC computers, the ones running only Microsoft Windows operating systems. Majority of us who owned computer, probably had the same on their desks. There was nothing better or affordable to us, the usual everyday users. Of course there were other machines, like Apple, and Sun etc., but for the standard user there was only the one PC.


These days we have tablets, smart phones, Apple Macs and PC's running different operating systems as Android, iOS, Linux, Windows and so on. This means there is lot more to choose from than was before. This becomes even harder to choose the right device for your needs.

Because everything has improved into an extent that the differences are very minor, to choose the computer is not even that hard, it's the functionality and your particular use that makes it the major factor of choosing the right type of device.


So what are your choosing factors ? Is it the occasional use for internet and email, or full use of office platforms and watching movies, or everything including games ?

While most people say "bit of everything", it is only partially true and computers nowadays can manage all these tasks anyway. So we have quite narrowed it in the last sentence. Well, next question is, what operating system do you prefer, or let me put it this way > Do you like change, do you like simplicity or do you like to spend too much time taking care of security for your files even though you are comfortable with your usual operating system. These are very good questions that for me are considered the main ones.


Sapphire futuristic computerProbably you, technical people, already know where I'm heading and I can assure you, that you are completely right. Yes my preferred choice of hardware at the moment is Apple Mac hardware, which includes Macbooks, iMacs, Mac minis, or Mac Pro. The reasons are very simple, and I want every one look at these very carefully as most of you will probably agree. The build quality is excellent, they run Linux-like operating system which is much safer than any other Windows operating system, the interaction with Mac OS is very easy and intuitive, the security is much stronger, getting a virus is still almost impossible (talking from my huge experience) and running windows based software becomes easier every day. So, what do you think ? Even if you are attached to windows system for whatever reason, you still can run it on Mac or within Mac operating system. The price, of course, like everyone is thinking right now, is way over the top. Well, it use to be, but if you compare the hardware with any other manufacturer, the prices are very similar and don't forget to compare Macs with other high quality windows based computers. You will see that prices are actually almost same. Don't believe me ? Doesn't matter, check it out in any store that sells computers. And no, I'm not an Apple sales person and I use to hate Macs.



Conclusion : No matter what you want from your computer, always discuss your needs and use with more than one person. People have different opinions, which is fine, but you will be the one using your next computer. And because you are the one, who choose it in the end, you'll have to stick with it for very long time, so choose carefully and if you need my help, please make sure you contact me as soon as you can, before you make another mistake.

Read 6919 times Last modified on Thursday, 29 August 2013 08:15
Marian Matus

The IT guy, that always wants to help. Experienced in IT for over 25 years. Have seen everything and nothing. Will gladly help over the phone, even give you tips and tricks.