Thursday, 06 February 2014 10:27

Get a NAS, VPN Or Media Server with Amahi on your OLD PC Featured

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Amahi Amahi

Amahi, your home server, NAS or VPN.

Do you have an old computer that still runs ? Even if you don't but thinking to build your own home server, Amahi will definitely help you to do the job. Amahi can turn any PC into an at-home VPN and a NAS for all of your files.

All you need is :

  • A Linux DVD (Fedora or Ubuntu)
  • A PC (or a Marvell Plug Computer) to install Amahi on
  • A working Internet connection

Amahi supports the following architectures:

  • PCs with a 32-bit x86 processor
  • PCs with a 64-bit x86-64 processor
  • Plug Computers based on the Marvell Plug Computer architecture

If Amahi is not for you, some alternatives include FreeNASopenfilerWindows Home ServerClearOSZentyal, OpenMediaVault


The core functionality available in the base Amahi HDA install includes:

  • Protect Your Computers Back-up all your networked PCs simply and easily on your home network. If one of your PCs "dies" you can easily restore it!
  • Organize Your Files Access, share and search your files from any machine on your network, making it easy to share and find your photos, music and videos.
  • Internet Wide Access Automatically setup your own VPN so you can access your network from anywhere: safely and securely.
  • Private Internet Applications Shared applications like calendaring, private wiki and more to come, will help you manage your home and your family!


Advantages of Amahi

An Amahi-based home network lets you do more with all the networked devices (computers, laptops, game consoles, media players, etc.) around your home.

  • Have you ever wanted to store your photos so everyone in the house can easily access them?
  • Are you scared what will happen if any of your computers "dies" for some reason?
  • Would you like to keep a calendar that tracks everyone in the house?

This is only the start of what an Amahi HDA will do for you!


What Amahi can do for you

  • Share your photos (or any files) with any device in your network
  • Centrally store all your music and videos
  • Quickly back-up your computers
  • Run applications to co-ordinate your household (eg. shared calendars)
  • Securely access all your 'stuff' when you are out, whether at work, a friend's place, or out of town!

Check it out at

Read 8511 times Last modified on Wednesday, 19 February 2014 13:02
Marian Matus

The IT guy, that always wants to help. Experienced in IT for over 25 years. Have seen everything and nothing. Will gladly help over the phone, even give you tips and tricks.