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Friday, 20 December 2013 15:52

New Apple Mac Pro finally on sale in Australia

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New Apple Mac Pro finally on sale in Australia.

Beautiful new look with powerful core. I think it's bit overpriced but definitely worth with all that beauty and hidden power. Comes in 2 versions: Quad-core from $3.999 and 6-core from $5.299.

Check the Apple Mac Pro specifications

Monday, 02 December 2013 12:58

Use Internet Explorer IE 11 in Windows 7

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Use Internet Explorer 11 (IE 11) in Windows 7

Microsoft has released Internet Explorer 11 for Windows 7, claiming it's nearly 30 per cent faster than Chrome, Opera and Firefox. The browser supports many new web standards, making graphics smoother and web pages load quicker. See if you like it by trying interactive demos at, including the new drawing tool EtchMark.
