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Thursday, 03 October 2013 15:29


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Malware, and how to protect yourself against it


What is malware ?

MalwareMalware, short for malicious software, is a software that harms your computer - in simple words. All the unwanted stuff that you get into your computer is part of malware, there would probably be a huge list of it, but in short, it includes:

  • computer viruses
  • ransomware
  • trojan horses
  • rootkits
  • dialers
  • spyware
  • adware
  • worms
  • keylogger

You probably haven't heard about most of them and most likely out of all these you only get worms and trojans rather than viruses. For some in my own experience will get lot of adware, which comes mainly from free installed applications that you sometimes won't even notice - for example toolbars for your web browser. It's a very common thing and sometimes it is very hard to remove, as after uninstallation there is still plenty of traces around your computer that can reinstall the application in seconds or just act as they were never removed.

Protection against these malicious applications is sometimes hard, especially if you are not the only user on that specific computer. But don't worry, Malwarebytes got it all covered.

Malwarebytes is an Anti-Malware application that utilizes Malwarebytes powerful technology to detect and remove all traces of malware including worms, trojans, rootkits, rogues, dialers, spyware and more. You would be surprised what a help it can provide to your infected computer. It is one of the best free antivirus there to download.

For those who does not have an antivirus or outdated antivirus, you will need to do something now. Well, you don't need the best antivirus in the world but simply an antivirus. I know what you are thinking... which one ? Well, there is simply no best antivirus, there are only better and worse ones. Why ? Because what one can detect the other can't and vice versa. Of course you better get the one that picks up most of the viruses and other malicious bugs, but also you don't want to get one that is most expensive either. Unfortunately there is tons of them to choose from and it is somewhat hard, but on our Antivirus page we have a selection of those we would recommend for you to use.

Free AntivirusAlso it is important to mention that you don't need antivirus for Linux running machines or Mac nor any Apple related products as yet, so your iPhone, iPad, iPod or anything else related is good without it. I'm not saying there are no viruses for Macs, all I'm saying is that you don't need one and it's simply because the chances to get infected are very slim. I'm pretty much talking from my own experience where I download hundreds of applications a month and my antivirus never detected any viruses and my Mac is still running without a glitch. All that being said, there are also Android users who might need an Antivirus for Android, but do they really? Well, I'm not an Android expert yet, but people are searching for Antivirus for Android on the web quite often. Not sure if this is only because they want to become safer and keep an eye on their data or they really have problems with their devices and urgently need to get one of the Android Antivirus Applications.

For those who need an Antivirus please check out our Antivirus page for best and free antivirus software to download.


Read 7479 times Last modified on Tuesday, 08 October 2013 10:58
Marian Matus

The IT guy, that always wants to help. Experienced in IT for over 25 years. Have seen everything and nothing. Will gladly help over the phone, even give you tips and tricks.

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